
70+ Settings - not only allows to configure every aspect of the plugin itself, but also allows to configure built-in TypeScript features as well
50+ Unique features
Only 20% of cool features are enabled out of the box

Recommended features

Some of new features are not enabled out of the box to ensure we don't ruin existing behavior & workflows. But it's super recommended to try them out!
Recommended VS Code JSON settingExtra note
"tsEssentialsPlugins.cleanupVueComponentCompletions": "filter-non-vue"

Use filter-all to also exclude auto-import completions (useful for Nuxt projects)

"tsEssentialsPlugins.fixSuggestionsSorting": true

Try to restore properties (not variables!) sorting as in source Experimental and most probably will be changed in future

"tsEssentialsPlugins.globalLibCompletions.action": "mark"

Of course it makes no sense to use remove, but mark might be really useful

"tsEssentialsPlugins.patchOutline": true

Extend TypeScript outline with:

  • JSX Elements
  • Type Alias Declarations Should be stable!
"tsEssentialsPlugins.renameImportNameOfFileRename": true

Also rename name of default or namespace import on refactor caused by file move / rename Probably will be enabled by default in future

"tsEssentialsPlugins.signatureHelp.excludeBlockScope": true

Make tsserver think signature help never gets triggered manually to make it not go outside of block eg:

declare const a: (a) => void
a(() => {/* no annoying signature help on trigger *\/ })

But it still allow it to be displayed in return statements which is more convenient

"tsEssentialsPlugins.skipNodeModulesReferences": true

When not in node_modules, show skip showing references from node_modules

"tsEssentialsPlugins.suggestions.displayImportedInfo": true

Wether to show module name from which completion comes (inserted at start of completion detail)

"tsEssentialsPlugins.suggestions.localityBonus": true(No extra note)
"tsEssentialsPlugins.tupleHelpSignature": true

Wether to provide signature help when destructuring tuples e.g.:

declare const foo: [x: number, y: number]
const [] = foo
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TypeScript VS Code Plugins